Job Openings. The Senior Boys Basketball Team will play in the 3A State Tournament at NAC in Harrison on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. against Lamar.
Job Openings. The Senior Boys Basketball Team will play in the 3A State Tournament at NAC in Harrison on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. against Lamar.
Welcome to Flippin High School
At Flippin High School, we live the following mission: in our classrooms, we respect each other, try our best, are a team, learn from mistakes, create, and celebrate each other’s success. Our mission is an ambitious one, but we work every day to achieve it because we care deeply about making sure that our students achieve their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical potential.
We meet our students’ intellectual needs in a number of ways, beginning with offering them the Smart Core and Core curriculum required for an Arkansas diploma. However, we wanted a broader opportunity of learning for our students, so we applied to become a School of Innovation and were one of the first to be approved in Arkansas. Through this program, our students have the opportunity to experience learning through employment, mentorships, job shadowing, college classes, and/or technical school experiences if they meet the eligibility criteria. In this way, students learn skills that qualify them for college or career ready when they graduate from high school. We also offer classes for concurrent credit in English Comp and College Algebra through a partnership with ASU in Mountain Home. Students may also enroll in a technical college pathway in automotive, mechatronics, welding, and health professions---just to name a few.
We meet our students’ emotional needs through building relationships with them through our CAP program. We take an individual interest in each of our students and their success as they journey through high school. Teenagers deal with complicated issues which affect their learning, and we see it as our job to help them navigate these issues so they can learn successfully. Each student has a CAP advisor who guides them through their selection of classes each year and monitors their path toward graduation. These advisors also monitor their weekly progress in each class to help ensure that they stay on track with their learning and their completion of credits each semester.
We meet our students’ social and physical needs through various class activities, school organizations, and sports programs. We offer membership in clubs such as FBLA, FFA, Drama Club, Student Council, National Honor Society, and Interact. We also encourage students to participate in the following sports: basketball, baseball, softball, track, bowling, and volleyball. In these clubs and athletic programs, our students learn to work as teammates through competition and through completion of extracurricular activities which develop college and career-ready skills.
In our school, we work each day to meet our district’s mission and our school’s mission by asking ourselves in each situation, “What is best for our students?” Meeting the challenge of answering that question is how we succeed in that mission.