Job Openings.  The Senior Boys Basketball Team will play in the 3A State Tournament at NAC in Harrison on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. against Lamar.

Act 1039- Dyslexia Screening and Intervention

In April of 2015, Governor Asa Hutchinson signed into law ACT 1268. The Dyslexia Law, as it is commonly known, was a direct response to concerns that ACT 1294 (2013) was not being properly implemented by Arkansas public school systems.
ACT 1268 was designed to ensure that the needs of all Arkansas children with dyslexia are effectively being met. It defines dyslexia, describes required screening and intervention, and lists specific required actions by the state, educational cooperatives, and school districts.
In October of 2016, the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) updated the rules governing the implementation of ACT 1268. These updated rules provided further clarification, guidance, and instruction on how to meet the needs of students showing characteristics of Dyslexia. 
In April of 2017, the Arkansas Legislature passed ACT 1039 (SB 708) to amend and clarify code provisions regarding Dyslexia screening and intervention, and to add specific enforcement provisions tied to school accreditation. ACT 1039 also added new public posting requirements. The information on this page meets or exceeds all posting requirements.
During 2023-2024, the Flippin School District identified a total of 190 students* showing characteristics of Dyslexia. All of these students were placed in an approved intervention program. Specific numbers by campus were:
Flippin Elementary School - 99 students identified; 99 students served

Flippin Middle School-  56 students identified; 56 students served
Flippin High School - 35 students identified; 35 students served

Note: These are composite totals for the year. If students leave the district, these numbers may not exactly match final numbers on state reports. 
ACT 1268 required universal screening in Kindergarten through 2nd grade for indicators of Dyslexia, as well as selective screening in grades 3rd-12th. 
In 2017-2018, the ADE implemented a new K-2 Assessment program that mandates an online, adaptive test at least three times per year. In accordance with ACT 930, universal screenings for K-2 will no longer be required. 
The Flippin School District currently uses a combination of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and CTOPP2 (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing) for such screenings.  
It's important to note that universal screening is also part of the Flippin School District's comprehensive Response to Intervention (RTI) program.
ACT 1039 requires all Arkansas schools to have a Dyslexia Program in place to further evaluate students identified as having characteristics of dyslexia, and then to tutor those students who require intervention. The Flippin School District primarily uses the Barton Reading and Spelling System, developed by internationally-recognized expert, Susan Barton. For students not yet ready for the Barton program, we use the LiPS phoneme sequencing program from Lindamood-Bell. 
ACT 1039 requires that school districts utilize trained Dyslexia Interventionists. Dyslexia Interventionists for the Flippin School District are:

Flippin Elementary School- Becky Fox, Cassie Horn, Juanell Potter, Ila Smith, Russell Stockdale  

Flippin Middle School- Hannah Davenport and Bobbi Parsons

Flippin High School - Melissa Echols and Jessica Mitchell 

In addition, Pattie Wheeler at the Ozarks Unlimited Resource (OUR) Educational Cooperative serves as the regional reading specialist for our District.
In January of 2016, the Arkansas Department of Education created a Dyslexia Resource Guide to provide guidance for districts, schools, and teachers seeking to effectively meet Arkansas requirements for Dyslexia screening and intervention. In addition to Dyslexia specifics, it also outlines the relationship of Dyslexia Intervention to RTI, and how this combination meets IDEA (the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). The Flippin School District maintains full compliance with all provisions of this Guide.